“A house with
daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or no the sun be shining outside.
Daffodils in a green bowl – and let it snow if it will.” – A. A. Milne
Daffodils, one of the first
flowers of spring, are a large group of perennial plants which grow from
bulbs. Many hundreds of varieties are
available today ranging in size from 4 to 20 inches (10-50 cm) tall. Flower
size can be anywhere from a half inch to five inches (1-13 cm) in
diameter. Daffodils come in various
combinations of pale and bright yellows, white, cream, shades of pink, salmon,
apricot, orange and green. Flowers are most often single, consisting of the
corona (cup or trumpet) and perianth (outer petals), but there are double
flower varieties in which the corona is filled with ruffles. Some varieties are fragrant (most notably the
jonquils), while many others have no scent. Stems may hold one large blossom,
or clusters of two to six smaller flowers.
Daffodils were once a symbol of
death. The ancient Greeks associated the flower with the myths of Narcissus and
Pluto and Proserpina. The ancient Egyptians placed the brown skins of the bulbs
over the eyes of the Pharaohs in burial. It was during the Middle Ages that the
daffodil became a Christian symbol of Christ’s resurrection and the promise of
eternal life. In Victorian times, the Language
of Flowers was a popular way to send messages to friends and suitors. The
daffodil represented regard and the jonquil stated, “I desire a return of
affection.” The narcissus is also well
loved in Asia. In China it is regarded as a sacred flower and symbolizes purity
and promise. For the Japanese, the narcissus represents mirth and joyousness.
It is thought that the common
name, daffodil, is derived from the Old English word affodyle which means, “that which comes early.” Daffodils,
depending on variety, bloom in March, April and May. The scientific name, Narcissus comes from the Latin word narkeo which means “to be stupefied”.
Narcissus bulbs are poisonous. They contain lycorcine, a chemical that
paralyzes the heart and numbs the nervous system.
Narcissus are native to Europe
and the Mediterranean.
pseudonarcissus, the Wild Daffodil, is one of the national emblems of
Wales. Jonquils, a type of narcissus consisting of clusters of several small
flowers per stem, were much loved by Queen Anne of England. It is said that her
love of these flowers inspired her to create
Kensington Palace Gardens, which
was the first public garden in England. Daffodils were brought to America by
the British colonists. Thomas Jefferson, an avid gardener and pioneering
horticulturist, among his many other achievements, planted several species of
narcissus at both of his homes,
Poplar Forest.
Daffodil plants are very easy to
grow. Plant them in full sun or partial shade in well drained, moderately
fertile soil. Set in flower beds, along the front walkway, under deciduous
trees (where they will receive needed sun before the trees leaf out) and in the
vegetable/cut flower garden. Narcissus
varieties are a good choice for gardens exposed to deer populations. Whereas
tulips are candy to them, they do not like the taste of daffodils and leave
them alone. Bulbs are planted in early autumn, usually four to six inches (10-15
cm) deep, or twice as deep as they are tall, and spaced at least a bulb width
apart. For a natural look, stagger the placement of the bulbs. Since it is best
to plant at least a dozen or so bulbs for an effective display, it may be
easiest to dig a large hole and place them in all at once with the roots down
and tips facing up. Gently and firmly add soil around them. It is possible to
add a layer of crocuses or grape hyacinths (at a depth of three inches/7.6 cm)
above the daffodil bulbs. Water after planting and regularly until frost.
It is most important to cut the
flower stems after the blooms have faded (unless you are growing the plants
primarily for the seeds) and to allow the foliage to remain in place until they
have naturally turned yellow, which usually happens in June. This is common advice given when you read
about the planting and care of daffodils and all bulbs for that matter. The
reason being is that the leaves create food that is stored in the bulb so that
next year, magnificent blossoms will again appear. If daffodils and other hardy
flowering bulbs are thought of as perennials, which they are, it is easy to
observe this practice and even question why it is so often stated. The reason
may be that in public settings, landscapers cut the foliage back after
flowering and immediately plant annuals to keep the floral display going.
When the plantings of daffodils
become dense with foliage it is time to divide them. This may be done once the
foliage has turned yellow, or in early autumn (be sure to mark the location in
the spring.) Gently dig them up, separate the bulbs which have grown off the
main bulb and plant them in a new location or give them to a friend.
Once you have an ample supply, be
sure to cut some and bring them inside to enjoy, just as A. A. Milne did.
Note: This article was written by me for the blog
12 Months in View. A bibliography of the reference books I used is
available upon request.